Saturday, April 5, 2014

Healthy Life

This element helps create new cells to the brain . Increases memory and learning ability . According to researcher Yun left brain called the Hippocampus is a part of Kras and it serves to retain memories . In research, it was found that the same part of the brain Ijisiji is helping to increase the number of cells .

One study showed that children who play outside are prone to myopia or nearsightedness . This is the first study describing that play out the eyes of children exposed to sunlight , which in Teenage Kratra of short sight is substantially reduced . London-based study carried out by researchers from Bristol University . Said lead researcher Dr. Cathy Williams , during the study , we found ample evidence that there are stronger in terms of children playing outside . The researchers concluded after studying 7,000 children . 07.10 in the research of all children ages 11 , 12 and 15 years for . The children were given the task of physical activity for a month . Some children were asked to exercise indoors , while others go out and play - was asked to jump . In contrast to exercise indoors Kratra was higher in children .

Now the day is not far when you forget the worries of obesity will enjoy your favorite dishes . Wake Forest University in North Carolina with U.S. scientists create a unique drug to lose weight Kekrib reached. After finding a key hormone glucagon related to the manufacture of the drug was conceived . Kraun increase in the level of this hormone is Glukof , the body is stimulated to rapid consumption of calories . According to lead researcher Professor Erik Johnson Kraun glucagon hormone insulin to control the amount of sugar in the opposite works . This prompts the body to Krarc more calories . If the cells that produce glucagon action should be intensified so the body will consume more calories . The brain will think that person is exercising . After uptake activity of glucagon in the body, the person will feel the benefits of exercise without going to happen to her . Towards prevention of diabetes and heart diseases will also be an important discovery .

Towards the treatment of diabetes, scientists have been significant gains . Danish scientists in the gut bacteria like a Kras is responsible for diabetes . Researchers of diabetics large number of bacteria found in the intestines of this type . Early recognition and treatment of diabetes in the direction it is going to be a big discovery .

Mobile towers in cities nowadays because people have been getting very bad effect on health , but how they are hurting us . People do not know enough about it . Here 's a Patika Lucknow mind answering similar questions are arising in Delhi Rockland Hospital consultant surgeon Dr Arun Kumar Giri , senior oncology department .

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